The Gulf nations have just lately begun to generate clean hydrogen.
The supply of hydrogen cars is predicted to expand dramatically as the cost of manufacturing hydrogen fuel continues to fall.
After years of experimentation, big oil firms are now considering the kind of large-scale investments that would make green hydrogen…
An international study carried out by the consultancy firm Worldwide Recruitment Energy analyzes the present and future of the green hydrogen job market.
Sultanate of Oman aspires to join the ranks of the world’s countries producing green hydrogen due to the presence of the main ingredients for its production represented in solar energy, wind energy, and extended lands.
“Remarkable activity” of the catalyst and “extraordinary” chemical reactions are mentioned.
Pakistan’s supply of power is 21,000 megawatts and its demand is 25,600 megawatts.
The United Tankrederij (VT-Group) will bring the first hydrogen-powered type-C tanker into service in 2024.
During the event, visitors learned a lot about the conversion process as well as Stellantis’ aims and ambitions in the field of hydrogen-electric vehicles.
Therefore it’s importing hydrogen in enormous quantities.