Assessing Hydrogen Cars' Journey Amidst Electric Dominance

The landscape of sustainable mobility is rapidly evolving, with hydrogen emerging as a key player, particularly in heavy-duty applications. However, when it comes to the light vehicle segment, the journey for hydrogen cars is proving to be an uphill battle, facing challenges that extend beyond the technology itself.

Singapore's Ambitious Plan for 50% Hydrogen by 2050

Singapore is embarking on a groundbreaking journey to generate 50% of its power from low-carbon hydrogen by 2050. Faced with land scarcity for conventional renewables, the Lion City is placing its bets on hydrogen—a move underpinned by the National Hydrogen Strategy.

China's Surge as the World's Hydrogen Powerhouse

China emerges as the undeniable leader in the hydrogen race. With a colossal network of over 400 hydrogen refueling stations, the country stands at the forefront of a clean energy revolution, shaping the landscape of a future fueled by hydrogen.

Divisions Emerge Over US Tax Credits for Green Hydrogen

The battleground for America’s green hydrogen future is heating up as the proposed guidelines for obtaining green hydrogen exemptions create a rift between supporters and opponents of President Joe Biden’s administration plan.