
Russia has unveiled plans to ramp up its hydrogen production and secure a substantial 20% share by 2030. Ilya Torosov, Russian First Deputy Minister of Economic Development, disclosed this ambitious strategy during the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), underlining Russia’s commitment to positioning itself as a key player in the hydrogen landscape.


India’s Union Minister for New & Renewable Energy and Power, R.K. Singh, has unveiled the National Green Hydrogen Mission, signaling a revolutionary transformation in the country’s energy landscape.

Oil and Gas Giants: Charting the Course in Global Low-Carbon Hydrogen Market

In a dynamic shift towards sustainable energy, oil and gas majors have emerged as significant players in the low-carbon hydrogen market, commanding an 8% share globally. This paradigmatic transition reflects a strategic response to the escalating demand for cleaner energy alternatives. Let’s delve into the goals, technology, potential impact, and challenges surrounding this transformative trend.