
In an exciting development for the world of hydrogen energy, a team of scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University has unveiled a cutting-edge automated complex. This innovation has the potential to revolutionize the creation of new materials crucial for the hydrogen energy sector.

Hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a linchpin in the transition to clean energy. As the world races toward the 2050 Net Zero goal, the key to success lies in decarbonizing sectors that are historically challenging, such as heavy industry and transportation. Hydrogen’s role in replacing fossil fuels in these areas has sparked a global surge in electrolyzer projects, marking a crucial step in scaling up the hydrogen economy.

IRENA: Green Hydrogen's Key to Sustainable Energy

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) projects that hydrogen and its derivatives could constitute a substantial 14% of the world’s total final energy consumption by 2050. With the urgent need to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius, green hydrogen is seen as a key player in achieving this ambitious goal.


India has placed a significant bet on green hydrogen. The Indian government has already committed substantial financial resources, with over Rs 19,000 crores earmarked to transform the nation into a “global hub” for green hydrogen energy production, utilization, and export. However, a recent report by Bengaluru-based think-tank Climate Risk Horizons has raised important questions about the potential environmental impact of India’s green hydrogen initiatives.


In recent years, green hydrogen has staged a remarkable comeback and is emerging as a linchpin in the pursuit of a climate-neutral economy. It promises to play a pivotal role, particularly in addressing emissions in challenging sectors such as transport, heating, and heavy industry, and offers a solution for inter-seasonal energy storage. This resurgence of green hydrogen, driven by both energy security and decarbonization imperatives, is now not only fostering economic opportunities but also birthing a new era of EU-Africa relations.


A recent industry-commissioned study, conducted by the Green Hydrogen Alliance (GHA) and backed by major players like Airbus, Air Products, and Associated British Ports (ABP), has unveiled a promising path to propel the UK’s green hydrogen market. The report suggests that this endeavor could not only yield an £11 billion economic boost but also slash over 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions annually.