Green Hydrogen H2 News

A recent study conducted by the renowned Fraunhofer Institute has cast a shadow of uncertainty over the financial viability of green hydrogen production in Germany. The study highlights the predominant factor behind this conundrum: exorbitant production costs, particularly arising from electricity sourced from photovoltaic and wind power plants.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The energy landscape is undergoing a seismic shift towards sustainability, with clean hydrogen emerging as a pivotal player in this transition. The Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations at the Department of Energy (DOE) has recently ignited discussions by revealing its intention to allocate a staggering $1 billion towards incentivizing the demand for clean hydrogen fuel produced through hydrogen hubs.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Fuel cells have long been hailed as a potent solution for efficient and clean energy conversion, and now, a breakthrough discovery from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is poised to reshape the landscape of fuel cell technology.