Browsing: Algeria


Algeria’s Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, alongside Germany’s Parliamentary State Secretary Stefan Wenzel, inaugurated the fifth German-Algerian Energy Day in Algiers. This pivotal event, part of the longstanding German-Algerian Energy Partnership, centers on discussions about the reconstruction and enhancement of the hydrogen gas pipeline corridor, stretching from Algeria through Tunisia, Italy, and Austria to southern Germany.

Germany and Algeria Forge Green Hydrogen Alliance

The quest for sustainable energy solutions has led Germany to engage in discussions with Algeria, setting the stage for a potentially significant partnership in the world of green hydrogen. According to a press release from the German Ministry of the Economy, both nations are exploring the possibility of Algeria becoming a major supplier of green hydrogen to Europe’s largest economy.

Algeria's Path to Becoming Europe's Green Hydrogen Supplier

As the world races to combat climate change and transition to renewable energy sources, Algeria emerges as a key player in Europe’s quest for green hydrogen. The North African nation is on a mission to become a significant supplier of green hydrogen, addressing one-tenth of Europe’s growing demand for this eco-friendly gas produced from renewable energy.