Browsing: Brazil

Brazil's Green Hydrogen Revolution

A recent study by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in collaboration with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the German Institute for Development and Sustainability, underscores the importance of prioritizing domestic industry in emerging countries like Brazil to drive the development of the low-carbon hydrogen sector.

Brazil's Role in the Green Hydrogen Frontier

In the global pursuit of sustainable energy alternatives, green hydrogen emerges as a promising solution, with Brazil positioned as a frontrunner in its production. But what exactly is green hydrogen, and why does Brazil hold such potential?

Senai Mapping Professions for Brazil's Green Hydrogen Revolution

National Industrial Learning Service (Senai), in collaboration with the H2Brasil project under the Brazil-Germany Cooperation for Sustainable Development, has undertaken a pioneering study titled “Green Hydrogen Market and Power-to-X (PtX): Demand for Professional Training.” This study aims to identify the key professions essential for steering Brazil’s transition towards a low-carbon economy.


Bekaert invests in Ionomr Innovations Bekaert announces a USD 5 million equity investment in Ionomr Innovations. Ionomr Innovations, a Canadian…

Brazil-UK Hydrogen Hub Aims for Global Low-Emission Dominance

Brazil and the United Kingdom have officially launched the Brazil-UK Hydrogen Hub on December 3, 2023. The collaboration, represented by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) for Brazil and the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) for the UK, aims to strengthen international cooperation for hydrogen production as a crucial element in the global transition to a net-zero future.