Author: Anela Dokso


Cemex Ventures raises investment in HiiROC Cemex Ventures announced that it has raised its investment in HiiROC, a firm that produces hydrogen at a low cost and with no emissions thanks to a unique proprietary technology. HiiROC is a UK-based firm that was founded in 2019 and uses a patented method of thermal plasma electrolysis to manufacture hydrogen that is both affordable and emission-free. HiiROC’s technology, on the other hand, is unique in that it produces high-grade hydrogen with a fraction of the energy needed for water electrolysis and does so without requiring the extensive Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage…

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Decoding the UK's Heating Dilemma: Hydrogen Out, Heat Pumps In

UK government has declared a ban on boilers in new-build homes effective 2025. This decisive step, outlined in a comprehensive consultation on energy efficiency standards, challenges the conventional approach of relying on boilers for achieving carbon savings and advocates for the creation of ‘zero-carbon ready’ homes.

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Hydrogen's Potential to Transform Minnesota's Iron Range

A native of Hoyt Lakes is spearheading the Heartland Hydrogen Hub, a regional hydrogen fuel partnership with transformative potential for Minnesota’s Iron Range. Tom Erickson, the president and chief operating officer of the Heartland Hydrogen Hub, sees hydrogen as a key player in reshaping the region’s industrial landscape.

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Bipartisan Bills Promote Hydrogen in Heavy-Duty Transportation

Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) has reintroduced two crucial pieces of legislation, known as the Hydrogen for Trucks Act of 2023 and the Hydrogen for Ports Act, to the House of Representatives. Partnering with Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA), the bills aim to incentivize and promote the use of hydrogen in heavy-duty transportation, specifically trucks and ports.

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