Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Chinese Three Gorges International Corporation (CTGI) is eager to expand its partnership with Egypt in the areas of electricity and renewable energy, as well as in projects involving water desalination and green hydrogen, according to the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy. Minister Mohamed Shaker met with the CEO of CTGI and a group in support of the Electricity Ministry to examine potential future collaboration. Shaker emphasised the value of green hydrogen as a potentially useful energy source in the near future. The CEO of CTGI also highlighted his desire to strengthen relations with Egypt, which is regarded as…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

NewHydrogen moves forward with development of its green hydrogen generator NewHydrogen, the creator of a ground-breaking green hydrogen generator that harnesses water and renewable energy to generate affordable green hydrogen, provided an update on the status of the creation of its prototype. The revolutionary low-cost and high-performance catalyst technology of the Company has been evaluated using the results of the prototype benchmarking phase, which has now been completed. Using a five-layer membrane electrode assembly (MEA) stack embedded with commercial platinum and iridium-based catalysts, a systematic acidic water splitting test was carried out to determine the benchmark performance of the present…

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