Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

A hybrid boat created in Liguria that aims to test sustainable fuels and make the first required steps towards less polluting modes of transportation on the waters of the Mediterranean and other seas of the world is one of the first hydrogen boat prototypes to come from Italy.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

NZ risks falling behind in green fuel initiatives, warns Taranaki hydrogen developer A Taranaki company’s director argues New Zealand’s sluggish decarbonisation is putting exporters at risk. Hiringa Energy head Cathy Clennett said global demand for renewable project investment was rising as markets favoured low-carbon products. NSW government financing of $64 million for the Good Earth Green Hydrogen and Ammonia project came from a $150m pool. The Wathagar ginning facility near Moree, the world’s first Good Earth Cotton farm producing climate-positive and traceable cotton, will have a vast solar farm to power a hydrogen and ammonia operation. A press release stated…

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