Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

In order to launch and expand prospects for hydrogen to be incorporated into Ontario’s clean electricity grid, including hydrogen power storage, the provincial government of Ontario is creating a Hydrogen Innovation Fund, which will invest $15 million over the following three years.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Australian demonstration project to generate hydrogen carrier set to launch An eight-month Australian demonstration project will generate a hydrogen carrier that can be delivered on ordinary tankers to Japan to feed hydrogen fuel cell applications like hydrogen automobiles. Japan’s largest fuel provider, Eneos Corporation, is leading the hydrogen initiative. Eneos’ project will generate large amounts of green hydrogen from solar electricity and export it to Japan to fuel hydrogen vehicles. A unique low-cost “electrochemical synthesis of organic hydride” produces the novel hydrogen carrier, methylcyclohexane (MCH). Eneos suspends hydrogen in a carrier to simplify shipping. MCH dehydrogenation removes water and extracts…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

ANDE and NEOGREEN Hydrogen Corporation have agreed to a 75MW service providing deal. After signing a memorandum of understanding, ANDE and NEOGREEN Hydrogen Corporation, a developer of green hydrogen projects in emerging markets, studied an industrial plant that will create green fertilizer and hydrogen from renewable electricity. ANDE and NEOGREEN Hydrogen Corporation inked an exclusive Electricity Connection and Supply Service Contract on December 12, 2022, for the Industrial Plant in Ciudad Presidente Dr. Manuel Franco, Alto Paraná Department. Two feasibility studies will start the two-phase project. After the first feasibility study (Phase I), the smaller-scale project, which would offer green…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Southern Finland’s hydrogen valley moves forward Gasgrid participates in the BalticSeaH2 hydrogen valley project, which creates a vast, cross-border hydrogen valley in southern Finland and Estonia. BalticSeaH2 will create Europe’s first large cross-border hydrogen valley. An integrated hydrogen economy in Southern Finland and Estonia reduces industrial carbon dioxide emissions and increases energy self-sufficiency. Connectivity to the Baltic Sea market increases investment conditions. The Finland-Estonia hydrogen valley project is underway. The Clean Hydrogen Partnership will prepare a funding agreement to start the 5-year project in summer 2023. 44 partners from nine Baltic Sea countries—Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Norway,…

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