Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

To help EMEC Hydrogen’s aircraft trials as part of UK Research and Innovation’s HyFlyer II project, NanoSUN has selected Ingersoll Rand’s Haskel Hydrogen Systems Group to supply a packaged hydrogen compression system. Cranfield University will host the world’s first hydrogen-electric aircraft flight demonstration in September 2020 as part of the HyFlyer I project. The UK government has given the HyFlyer II project an additional £12.3 million in funding, allowing it to begin work on a larger, 19-seat hydrogen-electric plane. This project’s hydrogen refueling hardware was procured from NanoSUN by EMEC Hydrogen, the provider of the green hydrogen fueling systems required…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Steel giant Posco in South Korea has given up its exclusive rights in Asia to the advanced hydrogen fuel cells of FuelCell Energy. Posco Energy is a subsidiary of Posco. An ongoing license dispute between the two companies was finally resolved in a statement issued by both companies on Tuesday. This means that Posco will no longer be the sole distributor of MCFCs manufactured by the Connecticut-based company in Asia. Although Posco will no longer be able to produce or sell FCE’s MCFCs, a Posco Energy official explained that the company will be allowed to provide maintenance services to existing…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Nanoparticles could be turned into simple hydrogen reservoirs using a novel approach. Depending on how the hydrogen gas is generated, the highly volatile gas could provide climate-friendly fuels for airplanes, ships, and trucks, as well as allow for climate-friendly steel and cement production. However, storing hydrogen is expensive: either the gas must be kept in pressurized tanks with pressures of up to 700 bar, or it must be liquefied, which requires cooling to minus 253 degrees Celsius. Both procedures require more energy. Andreas Stierle of Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) has led a team that has laid the groundwork for a new…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Power stations in the eastern Estonian town of Narva will begin producing hydrogen as a transportation fuel. Tartu is serviced by the buses. It’s been over 50 years since Narva power stations have used eletrolysis of hydrogen to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen, but the arrival of the green revolution has piqued interest in its potential use. In any case, the high-quality hydrogen produced by the Narva power plants is used to cool generators. In Estonia, only a few hydrogen buses are currently in service, but that number is expected to rise in the near future. With partners Alexela…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Oil India is constructing a plant to produce green hydrogen at its Jorhat oilfield in Assam. The AEM technology will be used to generate green hydrogen at the pilot plant. In the Union Budget 2021-22, the government proposed the National Hydrogen Mission, which would establish a hydrogen roadmap for the country. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the mission in August of this year. India has committed to reducing its greenhouse emissions by 33-35 percent from 2005 levels by 2030 under the Paris Agreement (COP 21). This has necessitated the search for cleaner energy alternatives.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Green hydrogen will be produced at PowerCell Sweden’s existing Gothenburg facility thanks to an entirely integrated solar-cell solution. By the second half of 2022, PowerCell expects to have completed the installation, which will serve as an industrial testbed for business development as well as a source of hydrogen and auxiliary power for the company. “This installation will allow us to increase our sales and accelerate our sustainability,” says Richard Berkling, CEO of PowerCell Sweden AB. For this installation, PowerCell’s facility in Gothenburg will be fitted with solar panels, as well as an electrolyser that will turn solar energy into green…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

An liquefied hydrogen carrier built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries has arrived in Australia to pick up its first shipment of hydrogen. It is expected that he will return to Japan in late February. This vessel was designed to transport liquefied hydrogen at 1/800 of its original gas-state volume, cooled to –253°C, over long distances by sea in large quantities. It can carry 75 tonnes of liquefied hydrogen on a single voyage. Gas and oil companies, including Iwatani Corporation (Iwatani), Shell Japan, and Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-POWER), formed the CO2-free Hydrogen Energy Supply-chain Technology Research Association in 2016 with…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Dr. Mohamed Shaker, the Egyptian Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, sets an annual plan to achieve in addition to long-term plans to upgrade Egypt’s electric energy sector. Minister Mohamed Shaker declared 2022 to be “The Year of Green Hydrogen,” the fuel of the future, according to him. He confirmed that the ministry intends to use solar and wind energy to analyze water in order to generate green hydrogen gas, emphasizing that it is one of the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly sources of electricity, as well as the fuel of the future in the next ten years. Contracts have…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

It has recently been awarded up to $644,000 by the Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (DOE) to evaluate the economic impacts and research needs to deploy clean hydrogen technologies in Wyoming through a grant from the University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources (SER). We need to assess Wyoming’s energy sector’s potential for hydrogen as an energy carrier, SER Executive Director Holly Krutka says. DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management has recognized the value of this project, for which we are extremely grateful. It’s a good time for the federal government to invest…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

ABB, a Swiss company, and GenCel have agreed to collaborate on the marketing of hydrogen-based energy solutions. GenCell’s fuel cell technology was combined with ABB’s power supplies to create a new solution. As a supplement or replacement for traditional diesel generators in the event of a short or long grid outage, the solution is designed to provide long-lasting and emission-free power supply. Markets such as railways, hospitals, commercial buildings and data centers will now be targeted by the companies that developed the technology. For emergencies, GenCell is known for providing a long-lasting, clean, and reliable power supply. Powered by hydrogen…

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