Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Advent Technologies Holding and BASF New Business GmbH recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at developing and expanding the manufacturing scale of advanced fuel cell membranes designed for long-term operations under extreme conditions.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

A hydrogen refueling station (HRS) for forklifts is currently being manufactured by the Calvera Industrial Group, which is in charge of the entire process, from engineering to full development, and has the highest supply capacity in the market. Due to its adaptability and dispensing speed, which can reach 120 forklifts every 24 hours, this equipment is well-suited to meet current customer needs as well as those that may arise from a predictable increase in demand. The forklift industry was one of the first to show that hydrogen and fuel cell technology for mobility can be viable and profitable without grant…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

One of the largest natural gas distribution companies in the Southwest is teaming up with two universities to study how hydrogen-blended natural gas can reduce carbon emissions while still providing clean and reliable energy. As a result of the complementary pilot programs, which are expected to begin concurrently in the first quarter of 2022, major advancements in using a natural gas and hydrogen blend will be made. The scope and duration of subsequent phases will be determined in part by the results of the first phase. As an independent third party, the experts from the Howard R. Hughes College of…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Joint market initiatives for green hydrogen electrolysers in India will be developed by Greenko ZeroC (GZC) and John Cockerill of Belgium, a high-capacity alkaline electrolyzers designer and manufacturer. GZC and John Cockerill will collaborate in all aspects of the market evolution for green hydrogen electrolyzers, which convert clean energy into carbon-free hydrogen, by combining their strengths. They plan to develop new technologies to produce carbon-negative fuels in order to speed up the energy transition that companies and countries are making.. Global demand for environmentally friendly hydrogen is growing rapidly, and Greenko, an Indian company based in Hyderabad, is already building…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group of Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries has announced that service provider Soletec Group will be the authorized representative and service partner for Nikkiso Cryogenic Services (NCS) in Qatar. As a result of the Group’s focus on expanding its reputation in the industrial gas sector and Soletec’s provision of aftermarket service and support for pumps, turbo expanders, and process plants, the decision reflects significant growth in the Middle East market. Liquid Hydrogen Bunkering (LH2) Bunkering installation with clean energy provider Unitrove has also been announced as a partnership between Unitrove and Cryoquip, which could lead to…

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