The Italian firm, Alfa S.r.l., has issued a tender titled “Fornitura, trasporto e travaso di ossigeno liquido e azoto liquido comprensivo di nolo delle apparecchiature accessorie, destinato alla sezione di ozonizzazione dell’impianto di depurazione di Sant’Antonino Ticino.”
Author: Anela Dokso
The European Union’s ambitious hydrogen targets for 2024 are now deemed unattainable.
EnergyPathways, a prominent energy company in the UK, has teamed up with engineering experts Wood Group to embark on a major project aimed at expanding natural gas and hydrogen storage capabilities.
Airbus and Toshiba have joined forces to explore the future of hydrogen-powered aviation. This partnership aims to harness Toshiba’s expertise in hydrogen technology to accelerate the development of eco-friendly aircraft.
The India Hydrogen Alliance has released a report advocating for the establishment of fuel hubs dedicated to green hydrogen, derived fuels, and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) across India.
SSE and Siemens Energy have joined forces to advance hydrogen power in the UK. Their new initiative, Mission H2 Power, aims to develop gas turbines that can run entirely on hydrogen.
HORIBA has launched its first Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2-ICE) test bed in Chakan, Pune.
Cataler Corporation has filed a patent for a new electrocatalyst specifically designed for hydrogen fuel cell anodes.
The patent, granted to Blue Planet Systems Corporation, introduces innovative methods and systems for separating carbon dioxide (CO2) from a hydrogen synthesis product stream.
The world of material science constantly seeks innovative solutions to extend the application of materials in various industries. One such advancement is the patent filed by LS Cable & System, presenting an aluminum alloy that shows exceptional resistance to hydrogen embrittlement.