Author: Arnes Biogradlija

Creative Content Director at EnergyNews.Biz

Green Hydrogen H2 News

ORE Catapult, in collaboration with the KTN, G+, and Workboat Association, is seeking a rapid solution to increase the physical separation of offshore wind turbine technicians during small vessel transit. A new innovation call seeking a solution to increase the physical separation of technicians in the confined spaces of offshore crew transfer vessels (CTVs) during the Covid-19 pandemic was launched on 7 May, aimed at enhancing the safety of the staff needed to continue traveling to conduct wind farm inspection, maintenance, and repair. Due to Covid-19, social distancing steps force some operators to restrict CTV operations to a maximum of…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Watson Farley & Williams (WFW) has advised Tayan Energy Investment (Tayan) on the purchase of two Italian photovoltaic solar plants with a total installed capacity of 55 MW from developer Limes Renewable Energy (Limes). Tayan is a joint venture between Shanghai Electric and Eland. Limes is a leading developer of solar projects both in Italy and internationally. The WFW Italy Corporate team advising Tayan was led by partner and WFW Italy head Eugenio Tranchino, working closely with partner Tiziana Manenti, for due diligence activity, and counsel Luca Sfrecola, for assistance on corporate matters. They were assisted by associates Gianluca Di Stefano, Anthony Bellacci, Giovanni Benedetto, Antimo Nersita and Francesco Vanzaghi.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

With its shallow, warm waters, smaller average wave heights, and close proximity to existing offshore oil and gas infrastructure, the Gulf of Mexico presents many advantages for offshore wind. However, unique conditions in the Gulf of Mexico introduce new technology challenges such as hurricane exposure, lower winds, and softer soils that will require offshore wind technology be adapted to not only survive these conditions, but also to demonstrate cost competitiveness in regional electric markets. Now, two recent studies conducted by NREL and funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) have yielded promising results for the future of offshore…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The board of directors of SeaTwirl has named Peter Laurits, the board’s vice chairman, as its new CEO, leaving his post and vice chairman position. Peter Laurits will immediately take over as CEO and will work in parallel with outgoing interim CEO Peter Schou during a transition period. “The board welcomes Peter Laurits as CEO and at the same time thanks Peter Schou’s for his efforts as interim CEO during the spring. We wish them both the best of luck during the handover period and look forward to Peter Laurits coming in operationally with his strong commercial drive and putting…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Major players in the wind sector have published a statement that highlights how wind energy is a key building block for economic recovery from the impact of COVID-19. Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and could create nearly 4 million direct and indirect jobs as well as between $207bn or over $2tn of additional annual investments if wind capacity rises above 2TW. Investments in wind and other renewable energy sources are vital to creating the infrastructure of the future to build more resilient and sustainable economies while providing countries and citizens with more affordable energy,…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Iberdrola Renovables France has entered into an agreement with Aiolos and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations for the acquisition of shares comprising 100 percent of French company Aalto Power’s share capital and for the allocation of certain loans given to Aalto Power by the sellers. Aalto Power owns operating onshore wind farms in France with an aggregate capacity of 118 MW and a portfolio of 636 additional MW of onshore wind farm projects under different stages of development. The sum payable by Iberdrola Renovables France to the sellers for the acquisition of the shares comprising Aalto Power’s entire share capital…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Construction work on the tidal energy device destined for Orkney waters is continuing, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. With so much of the world grinding to a halt during the COVID-19 pandemic and a focus, rightly, on the healthcare, social and economic response to the crisis, it’s perhaps easy to forget that the climate change issue isn’t going away any time soon. “On the other side of COVID-19 there’ll be the need for a massive economic recovery effort, which we believe can be fuelled in an environmentally sustainable way. By continuing to work towards our mission, we’re…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

EDS HV Group (EDS) has received an International Safety Award from the British Safety Council Distinction. The winning submission outlines EDS’s dedication and creative approach to health and safety. The submission also detailed EDS’s ongoing efforts to ensure the wellbeing of all workers, including those employed in demanding and complex offshore environments. The International Safety Awards, now in its 62nd year, are the most prestigious award scheme for health and safety and are only awarded to businesses who have demonstrated dedication to workplace health, safety, and wellbeing. The 2020 awards saw a total of 577 applicants across the United Kingdom, Africa, Asia,…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Hydrogen appears to be an indispensable component of the future energy system in Denmark and globally – both as energy storage and the integration of renewable energy into the entire energy system. Megavind’s latest report “Renewable Hydrogen in the Danish Energy System” presents four policy recommendations on how sustainable hydrogen can help Denmark achieve its goal of becoming independent of coal, oil and gas in 2050. Increased electrification is a cornerstone Direct electrification is the most economical and energy efficient way of reducing Denmark’s CO 2 emissions , and therefore also the approach that is preferable in the industries that can switch to using electricity from…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

EngD student Mairi Dorward has received a research grant from the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers (WCSIM) for her work in the field of ocean renewables. The particular topic of the award is her work in measuring complex marine currents for use in the tidal energy sector. The WCSIM research grants, worth £2.000 each, are granted annually in recognition of projects involving creative scientific progress and allow recipients to become Scientific Instrument Maker (SIM) scholars. Mairi, an EngD student at the EPSRC School and NERC-funded center for doctoral training in offshore renewable energy (IDCORE), received the grant for her work…

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