The project to start up a green hydrogen plant in As Pontes has received the green light. It will be the first plant of its kind in the autonomous community of Galicia and will have an annual production capacity of up to 16,000 tons of green hydrogen.
Spain will have a new green hydrogen plant. The project, which has just received the green light, will be located in the autonomous community of Galicia. The official announcement was made by Alfonso Rueda, President of Galicia, who announced that his government has given the go-ahead to “Galicia’s first strategic industrial project”. A project promoted by Reganosa and EDP Renováveis.
It will be the first green hydrogen plant to be started up in Galicia and will be located in Puentes (As Pontes) de GarcÃa RodrÃguez. As it has been declared as a strategic project, this plant will have numerous facilities for its implementation and, therefore, boost investments and, above all, speed up its entry into operation. It is expected to be ready in 2025.
The first green hydrogen plant in Galicia
Rueda stressed to the press the importance that this plant will have for the community as it will mobilize 156 million euros and will create more than 100 jobs, 60 of them direct. The role that these facilities will have for the reindustrialization of the area has also been underlined. The first green hydrogen plant in Galicia will have an annual production capacity of up to 16,000 tons.
The nominal capacity foreseen for the green hydrogen plant is up to 100 MW. The established plans have set it to start operating, as previously stated, in 2025. However, it will not be until 2030 that the project will be successfully completed and the plant will be operating at full capacity.
On the other hand, and parallel to the construction and commissioning of the green hydrogen plant, an energy storage system with an installed generation capacity of 570 MW will also be located in the area.
This storage will consist of a pumped hydroelectric power plant that will use the lake itself as a lower reservoir, and a new reservoir as an upper reservoir that will allow better management of the electricity system. In this way it will be possible to achieve a better management of the electrical system favoring a renewable maximization in the energy mix.