However, gray and “blue hydrogen (steam reforming of methane) generated from natural gas is currently the simplest and cheapest method. Because it necessitates the employment of CO 2 extraction technology and their subsequent disposal, blue hydrogen is more costly, according to Novak. The most costly method of producing green hydrogen, which relies on solar and wind energy. Green hydrogen will take a long time to become competitive, according to the Deputy Prime Minister.
Browsing: NEWS
The import and initial registration of old diesel automobiles will be prohibited in Ukraine beginning January 1, 2027, while gasoline and new diesel cars will be prohibited beginning January 1, 2030.
Marine services and ship catering are one of the industries planned to be realized in the economic zone strategy 2020-2025.
The Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands is presently in charge of the apartment complex, which has been renovated to provide a heating system based on a hydrogen heater located on the roof.
President Moon Jae-in of South Korea stated that South Korea and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will cooperate in the sphere of the hydrogen economy.
China has made hydrogen a priority. However, coal gasification provides around two-thirds of China’s hydrogen supply, not green hydrogen.
IRENA says green hydrogen could disrupt global trade and bilateral energy relations, reshaping the positioning of states with new hydrogen exporters and users emerging.
Swedish energy company Vattenfall is launching a trial in which an offshore wind turbine makes green fuel that can then…
According to an executive at Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE), the company expects to have the technology to transport…
A deal to accelerate the decarbonization of the metals sector in Italy and elsewhere: Snam, Europe’s largest energy infrastructure operator,…