Browsing: IEA

Pathway to Support SMEs in Germany’s Hydrogen Economy

Germany has set an ambitious target to install around 20 gigawatts (GW) of electrolysis power by 2030, aiming to lead in the global hydrogen economy. However, a recent analysis by BBH Consulting Group, drawing on data from the International Energy Agency, reveals a significant gap between goals and current progress.

IEA's Call to Action: Accelerating the Shift to Low-Emission Hydrogen

In a recent report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) sheds light on the growing prominence of hydrogen in the global energy matrix. Global hydrogen consumption soared to 95 million tonnes in 2022, marking a 3% annual increase. However, despite this surge, the share of green hydrogen, the low-emission variant, remains a modest 0.6% of the total supply.


The International Energy Agency (IEA) outlines an ambitious vision, estimating that global hydrogen consumption must surge to 150 million tonnes by 2030, a substantial increase from the current 95 million tonnes in 2022.


International Energy Agency (IEA) unveils a comprehensive dataset showcasing the trajectory of government research and development (R&D) budgets in its member countries. This intricate data not only reflects the ebb and flow of energy R&D but also underlines the evolving priorities and technologies that have shaped the energy landscape.