The “HYSouthMarmara” acronym project, which includes 13 partners in addition to Sabanci University from Turkey, was qualified for assistance in 2022, according to the findings of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, which aims to support the development of a regional hydrogen economy.
The project, a first in the history of Turkish Framework Programs, had a budget of 36 million euros, and it simultaneously received the biggest award from the European Union (EU) of 7.455.625 euros.
The five-year project is anticipated to provide a substantial contribution to the production and use of clean hydrogen, the growth of infrastructures focused on related technologies, and the enhancement of Turkey’s potential in this field. The purpose of Sabanc University’s involvement in this project is to establish logistics procedures, to analyze and report on the multifaceted contributions of the Hydrogen Valley to be established in the fields of energy and climate, and to contribute to the medium- and long-term expansion strategy of the valley for the production of green hydrogen. provide scientific and technical assistance for the electrolyzer’s installation and commissioning, conducting research to broaden the project’s reach, developing a communication plan, and planning workshops and events.
This project, in which Sabanci University and Sabanci University Istanbul International Energy and Climate Center (IICEC) will actively participate, is being coordinated by EnerjiSa Production and South Marmara Development Agency, University Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Universita Di Bologna, Kale Seramik Sanayi A., Işecam A., TÜBTAK MAM, and Eti Maden General Directorate. The project will be led by Selmiye Alkan Gürsel and Alp Yurum, while scholars Bülent Atay and Bora Ekip Güray will participate.
The production and usage of 500 tons of green hydrogen in industry. It is intended that at least 500 tons of the green hydrogen generated from Enerjisa Ãœretim’s Balkesir facility will be transported by Linde Gas and used at the Hydrogen Peroxide, Kale Seramik, iÅŸecam, and Eti Maden facilities. The initiative will concentrate on both the production of green hydrogen and its derivatives.
In this sense, it is intended to produce Turkey’s dependence on hydrogen derivatives, such as methanol and ammonia, using eco-friendly practices and domestic resources. In addition, it is planned to invest in the Sodium Boron Hydride Facility that will be built in Balkesir to explore the benefits of the boron mineral, of which we have 73 percent of the world’s reserves and which plays a significant role in the hydrogen economy, in hydrogen storage.