Author: Arnes Biogradlija

Green Hydrogen H2 News

With coal being phased out, numerous East German federal states are forced to realign themselves. Three Fraunhofer Institutes’ new “Hydrogen Master Plan for East Germany” gives precise recommendations for how this could look if the region capitalizes on its capabilities. After coal, there will be (green) hydrogen: future demand for the clean energy carrier in transportation and industry is expected to be considerable. East Germany has enormous potential for hydrogen-based value development. Particularly when the region as a whole is considered rather than the federal states individually as is customary. The Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Energy IEG, Systems…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The objective is for trams to be devoid of overhead lines and CO2 emissions, replacing them with a fuel cell-powered train. When hydrogen is consumed, all that is left is water vapor and heat. “A feasibility analysis determined that a hydrogen tram is feasible when combined with additional equipment and the development of new infrastructure,” Marcel Dinter, vehicle technology specialist at Alstom’s Saxon facility in Bautzen, explains. Alstom’s engineers are the first in the world to have created a hydrogen-powered passenger train, which will enter service in 2018. Germany will begin using hydrogen-powered trains in 2022. Leipzig’s tram network is…

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