HySeas III is the research program’s third development stage, and it will build on the previous two by demonstrating that hydrogen fuel cells can be successfully integrated with a marine hybrid electric drive system
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Topics covered in the series include global policy coordination, funding, clean transportation, and industrial decarbonization, as well as bringing policy and stakeholders together.
According to the company, this innovative solution will result in a zero-emission public transportation vehicle that is cost competitive with other technologies.
To aid in the recovery process, Fukushima Prefecture is focusing on hydrogen, a new form of energy, and has pledged to build one of the first hydrogen society models.
At the Saint Petersburg Economic Forum, Total CEO Patrick Pouyanné announced his intention to help “decarbonize Russian energy” by preparing…
C-ALPS is responsible for the advanced thermal management system, which will look to increase fuel efficiency in novel ways, such as harnessing waste heat from the hydrogen fuel cell to power air conditioning in cabins.
CMB.TECH is committed to developing hydrogen-based solutions for industrial and maritime applications. This commitment was bolstered by the launch of the Hydroville in 2017, the world’s first hydrogen-powered passenger ship.
The group revealed its vision by announcing the completion of a joint study to highlight the port’s availability of low-carbon fuels like hydrogen.
The state government is confident that the transformation of Rhineland-industrial Palatinate’s location will now receive a boost.
The HYVIA integrated hydrogen technology complements Renault’s E-TECH technology, increasing vehicle range to 500 km with rapid recharging time of 3 minutes.