Browsing: KEYOU


Fraunhofer Institute is shedding light on the potential acoustic transformation brought about by hydrogen-powered heavy goods vehicles. While the comprehensive results are anticipated in spring 2024, early findings already indicate that 18-tonne trucks equipped with the Keyou hydrogen engine exhibit noise levels only half as loud as their diesel counterparts during low-speed operations and maneuvers.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Green Navy to unveil ‘Prometeo’ hydrogen catamaran at ‘Monaco Sustainable & Smart Marina Rendezvous 2023’ The ‘Prometeo’ catamaran will be…

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Korean energy institute cooperates with Jeollabuk-do on green hydrogen To develop green hydrogen and support related companies, Jeollabuk-do and the…

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Both types produce up to 210 kilowatts of electricity by converting current diesel engines to hydrogen. The company claims 500 kilometers of autonomy with a full tank without specifying the volume of the hydrogen tanks.