Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Tallgrass and Equinor, a Norwegian energy company, are working together to create large-scale, low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia projects in North America. To support broad decarbonization, the partners will analyze the production and market possibilities for hydrogen and ammonia, as well as the accompanying distribution infrastructure. Tallgrass and Equinor have agreed to do preliminary co-development activities, including as sponsoring a front-end engineering and design (FEED) research jointly. The research will concentrate on large-scale hydrogen production, which will include the collection of at least 95% of CO2 for permanent sequestration, as well as ammonia for efficient transportation and storage. Tallgrass and Equinor…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The European Commission has given the get-ahead for the funding of 5.2 billion in public aid, of which around 500 million would go to Italy as part of the second IPCEI on hydrogen, in which four Italian enterprises are taking part. Investments were presented by Next Chem-Maire Tecnimont, Rina-CSM, SardHy, and South Italy Green Hydrogen that aim to advance the state-of-the-art in hydrogen generation, storage, transportation, and distribution, as well as their practical applications. Aiming to increase the supply of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen and to permit development and first application of innovative and clean technologies for hydrogen in other…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Vinci, a French conglomerate that specializes in building and maintaining infrastructure including airport and highway concessions, plans to invest 20 billion euros in this energy vector over the next decade. Vinci plans to align hydrogen with its environment objectives with the help of its newest purchase, Cobra IS. Vinci hopes to capitalize on the green hydrogen movement and spread the word. In a conference held on September 27 at its “monitoring and forecasting center,” the French construction, infrastructure, and transportation, airport, highway, and rail concessions behemoth constructed this energy vector as a pillar of its economic and climate strategy.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The National Technology Initiative Fund (NTI Fund) and H2 Invest, a subsidiary of the Gazprombank Group, have agreed to collaborate on the research and development of hydrogen technologies. The parties are discussing the possibility of joint financing / investment in hydrogen projects, with an eye toward the eventual commercialization of promising initiatives, and intend to work out the issue of creating a joint venture investment fund with a focus on the development of promising domestic hydrogen technologies. While meeting with the heads of advanced engineering schools and their industrial partners – participants in the Advanced Engineering Schools project – last…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Newfoundland and Labrador, a province of Canada, is interested in collaborating with Hamburg on hydrogen technology. A similar declaration of intent was signed in Hamburg City Hall by Newfoundland’s Minister of Culture Steve Crocker and Foreign State Councilor Almut Möller. There will be an open exchange of information and a concerted effort to combine resources and talents in order to create a hydrogen economy that can support itself on a global scale. Hamburg’s goal is to become Germany’s hydrogen transportation and distribution center. Newfoundland is a great fit because of the province’s abundant renewable energy resources and the high demand…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The feasibility study being conducted by JUWI and LANXESS will establish whether or not green hydrogen can be produced at the Mannheim location and afterwards used to supply the LANXESS plants. Before the end of 2022, we should have our first results. Additives, specialized chemicals, and services for the plastics, lubricants, and rubber sectors are what LANXESS focuses on creating and selling at its Mannheim location. Products find applications in the aerospace and food processing industries, as well as the automobile and shipbuilding sectors. JUWI and its parent firm, MVV, work together in a tight fashion. With the goal of…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

To meet the energy needs of one hundred houses in Valdemoro, Madrid, Madrilea Red de Gas and Pryconsa are collaborating on a ground-breaking project that will use renewable hydrogen. With the goal of supplying 100 homes in Valdemoro, owned by the real estate company, both companies will collaborate on the building and implementation of an infrastructure for the generation and supply of renewable hydrogen. Buildings will be constructed to allow for its seamless use in place of natural gas. It is important to note that this partnership draws attention to the huge potential of renewable hydrogen in the energy transition…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

RWE and Neptune Energy’s H2opZee partnership awarded a series of technical feasibility study contracts to Siemens Gamesa, as well as H2SEA and Enersea. These will support concept engineering work as part of the project’s feasibility phase. The group hopes to complete the offshore green hydrogen project H2opZee in the North Sea by 2030. The H2opZee initiative was unveiled in February of this year, and the consortium’s development plans are still in the works. A collaborative feasibility study began in June 2022 and is expected to last until the start of summer 2023. The research is part of the first phase…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Bloom Energy is putting in a 240 kW electrolyzer at Xcel Energy’s Prairie Island nuclear reactor in Welch, Minnesota so that the plant may generate hydrogen gas without emitting any harmful gases. The goal of this demonstration project is to provide “rapid and scalable paths” for creating clean hydrogen at a reasonable cost, which will be an asset to nuclear power reactors. Bloom anticipates the electrolyzer’s construction to begin in late 2023, and operation would begin in early 2024. Xcel’s 1,100-MW Prairie Island facility will provide high heat and steam for Bloom’s electrolyzer, the firms said, making it more efficient…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Cemvita Factory will be able to expand its ambitions to create hydrogen using oil-eating microorganisms thanks to tax credits enacted by Congress last month. Recently, Cemvita launched a new company with Chart Industries and venture firm 8090 Partners to deploy the technology to several US oil fields, following successful tests on two defunct oil wells in West Texas’s Permian Basin. The firm claims it can create the clean-burning fuel hydrogen for $1 per kilogram, and it intends to sell it at market prices. A marginal well that only produces one to two barrels of oil per day can produce one…

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