Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Energinet and Gasunie have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to expedite the development of cross-border hydrogen infrastructure between Denmark and Germany. The critical decision gates on the path to final investment decisions will also be analyzed and outlined by Energinet and Gasunie. A techno-economic prefeasibility study conducted by Energinet and Gasunie Deutschland last year found that Denmark had the ability to meet 10-25% of future German hydrogen consumption. Since then, the Folketing has made several bold political agreements about Power-to-X and the tremendous increase of renewable energy. In light of this, Energinet has begun a feasibility study to determine…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The UK’s leading hydrogen association will meet with lawmakers in September to discuss how best to get the country to net zero emissions. The rally, dubbed “Seizing the UK’s Hydrogen Opportunity,” will bring together businesses and organizations from the energy, transport, and industrial sectors with members of parliament and representatives from the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association in an effort to lobby the government on three key priorities for the hydrogen economy. Among these include quickening the pace of hydrogen storage research and development, crafting a workable transportation strategy, and establishing trustworthy industry guidelines, standards, and regulations. The UK…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Allison Transmission has announced that its Vehicle Electrification + Environmental Test Center is now offering hydrogen fuel cell and compressed natural gas (CNG) testing. Allison has finished installing two phases of hydrogen capability as part of its plan to encourage the use of alternative fuel vehicles that cut emissions. Phase one allows for the secure detection and management of hydrogen gas or flames within the test cell. The same infrastructure can detect and control CNG power plants with equal efficacy. Part two involves a continual flow of low-pressure hydrogen injected into the fuel cell of the vehicle, allowing for longer…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Namibia’s minister of foreign relations and cooperation, says the country’s generation of green hydrogen is one way it’s helping to address global problems. According to Nandi-Ndaitwah, this is a massive undertaking in the southern region of Namibia, which has been named by experts as one of the top five places in the world to produce low-carbon hydrogen. In 2026, the facility will begin manufacturing green hydrogen at a rate of 300,000 metric tons per year. Just recently Germany pledged to support hydrogen projects in Namibia. The projects include a hydrogen dual fuel locomotive pilot, a refueling station at…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

In order to boost private investment in hydrogen as a future clean energy source and super-fuel, the Business and Energy Secretary will meet with industry representatives today. It is expected that a new round of financing will be announced at the Hydrogen Investment Summit in order to boost investor confidence in the government’s vision for the UK to become a hydrogen-based economy – as outlined in the Hydrogen Strategy released in August 2021. The government’s goal of having 1GW of electrolytic hydrogen in operation or under construction by the end of 2025, which could produce enough hydrogen to power up…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

In order to integrate blended hydrogen into its gas trunkline assets in India, including transmission pipelines, interconnects and spur lines, compressor, valve, and metering stations & equipment, Pipeline Infrastructure Limited (PIL) is receiving technical advice and support from DNV. The PIL initiative, which is in line with the government’s August 2021 launch of India’s National Hydrogen Mission, which aims to produce 5 million tonnes of hydrogen annually by 2030, is one of the country’s first projects related to hydrogen blended in the transmission space. The Mission aims to use India’s significant renewable energy potential in conjunction with financial support and…

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