Sumitomo Corporation has begun a feasibility study with ARA Petroleum LLC, an Omani oil and gas producer, to investigate the feasibility of developing a hydrogen hybrid project in the Sultanate
Author: Arnes Biogradlija
The current cost difference between green hydrogen and fossil hydrogen is primarily driven by the cost of energy.
BayoTech has joined the Board of Directors of the California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC), a proponent of hydrogen and fuel cells in the state.
Hydrogen is an important component of the energy transition since it can be processed and transported. As a result, the energy source is a good fit for massive solar power plants.
First Solar and Nel will work together to create an integrated power plant management and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system in the beginning.
Hiringa Energy is building a network of green hydrogen refueling stations across New Zealand and introducing fuel cell electric vehicles to start decarbonizing the heavy transport market. Hiringa Energy’s national network, which includes partners such as Waitomo, TR Group, and TIL Freight, enables zero-emission heavy transport, long-haul freight, and public transportation services across the region. In partnership with Haskel Hydrogen Systems, the two will demonstrate how Hiringa’s network will use compression and refueling equipment that is uniquely designed and optimized for the New Zealand network at this year’s eWorld expo. Haskel’s industry-leading technologies and Hiringa’s vast technical and organizational experience…
AVF Energy will finance and build a commercial-scale green hydrogen plant on the Magnum steel site in Nevada, which will generate hydrogen from waste for steel production.
H2 Energy is collaborating with a number of partners to construct a nationwide network of hydrogen stations and the associated supply chain in Switzerland and abroad.
It will produce green hydrogen in a 50-megawatt electrolysis plant and sell it through three filling stations in East Frisia at first.
The 100% recyclable product suite from GKN Hydrogen has been developed and optimized over the last few years to become the most efficient and safe hydrogen storage solution available.