Author: Arnes Biogradlija

Creative Content Director at EnergyNews.Biz

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Apex Clean Energy revealed that Lincoln Land Wind has concluded a project power purchase agreement with Facebook for around 170 MW of renewable power from the Illinois project. Lincoln Land Wind will assist Facebook in meeting its goal of promoting its 100 % renewable energy operations in the region and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75 percent. “The clean energy industry has long recognized Facebook as a leader. In its early commitment to utilizing 100 percent renewable energy, and now its continuing work to fulfill that pledge, Facebook has led from the front of the pack. Apex has a strong…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Panasonic reclaimed its spot among leading manufacturers of solar modules with the VBHN325SA16. Panasonic uses strict selection of materials and skilled fabrication processes. A vertically integrated factory allows for detailed quality evaluations at each production phase. The modules arising from this are IEC approved by JET. Panasonic HIT ® photovoltaic modules feature an revolutionary hetero-junction cell structure constructed from mono-cristalline and amorphous layers of silicon. Ultra-thin amorphous layers of silicon avoid recombinations of electrons, limiting the loss of carrier to an absolute minimum. HIT conversion efficiency scores are therefore amongst the highest available. Employing 96 cells in the same size…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Microsoft has used hydrogen fuel cells to power a row of datacenter servers for 48 consecutive hours. The feat is the company’s latest milestone in its commitment to be carbon negative by 2030. Microsoft is also aiming to eliminate its dependence on diesel fuel by 2030 to help achieve that goal and accelerate the global transition away from fossil fuels. Diesel fuel accounts for less than 1 percent of total emissions from Microsoft. Its use is largely confined to Azure datacenters, where, as with most cloud providers worldwide, diesel-powered generators enable continuous operations in case of power outages and other service…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Advanced Energy introduced its new Ascent MS multi-output power supply system. Designed to enable the lowest system and infrastructure costs in the industry for solar photovoltaic (PV) plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) systems. The Ascent MS supports up to five independent chambers of passivated emitter and rear contact (PERC) PECVD processes in a single unit, optimizing power delivery and simplifying the deposition system design. The power system’s quick-connect power outputs, a single point of control and minimized need for water and input power connections make for an optimized coater infrastructure. This enables faster coater installation, higher manufacturing line reliability, and lower…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

This system is hydro-driven photovoltaic tracking system. It has both agricultural irrigation and photovoltaic panel self-cleaning functions.  It is understood that the SOLAR POWER WATER-TRACKING GENERATION SYSTEM FOR IRRIGATION (SWTI) has introduced several new technologies in the development process and has got several patents. It integrates four major functions such as agricultural irrigation, solar power generation, water gravity tracking, and self-cleaning photovoltaic panels, which have wide application prospects.  This system has the following design highlights: several Integrate the irrigation waterway and the solar photovoltaic power generation system, and have both agricultural irrigation and photovoltaic power generation functions. A counterweight water tank is…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

JinkoSolar unveiled its RE100 roadmap by providing detail on its approach to achieve 100% powered by renewables by 2025. This roadmap depicts a series of innovative actions to lower emission caused by its operation, which includes: Build new factories in or adjacent renewable-rich regions to facilitate green electricity source.Focus on R&D and commercialization of higher power and efficiency solar products to reduce power consumption per watt.Accelerate study on new and recycled material alternative, less material consumption, “lighterize” and “thinnerize” production, for instance reduce wafer thickness, reduce silver paste consumption without sacrificing quality and reliability, reduce weight of bifacial panel by…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Nordex Group has secured a revolving syndicated loan facility of EUR 350 million within the framework of the federal government’s loan guarantee program with the participation of the states of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Hamburg. “With this credit facility, we are soundly protecting the company against the effects on our operating business and remaining uncertainties caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. A crucial factor in this success is the confidence placed in the Nordex Group by the state guarantors and the banking syndicate in Nordex being a sustainable technology company in the renewable energies sector, a key industry of the…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Sonnedix Japan, on behalf of the Sonnedix Group, has completed a JPY 2.4 billion (€20 million) project funding led by Iyo Bank. The funding includes two operating solar photovoltaic plants built in Shimane Prefecture earlier this year, totalling 5.5 MW. All are ground-mounted and have been in operation since 2018. “We are very pleased to have reached this latest financial close in Japan, as we continue to grow our presence in this market. During the first half of 2020, our team at Sonnedix Japan has managed to drive business forward despite the challenges we are facing, and I am incredibly…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

A study to advance regional understanding of the role hydrogen could play in the Maritimes’ energy transition is now underway as part of a collaborative effort being led by OERA and funded by Heritage Gas Limited, Liberty Utilities, the Nova Scotia Department of Energy & Mines and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. “This study is one way we are evaluating options to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 in the Maritimes. It will investigate hydrogen’s potential contribution to our region’s sustainable development goals, including creating hydrogen from local raw materials, transportation, storage and ultimate end uses both locally and in export markets.”OERA Executive Director Alisdair McLean.…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Despite the much-anticipated release of its National Hydrogen Strategy this summer, uncertainty still surrounds Germany’s green hydrogen plans, making the path forward unclear despite the government’s major ambitions in the sector, Klaus Stratmann writes in Handelsblatt Online. The report quotes a response from the federal government to questions from the Greens parliamentary group regarding measures and processes in its Carbon Contracts for Differences (CCfDs) pilot programme and other procedures. CCfDs allow governments to reward climate-friendly projects by guaranteeing investors a fixed price for CO2 emissions in excess of prices in theEU emissions trading system (EU ETS). They are seen as an important…

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