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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The values required to promote various energy sources in Portugal by the end of this decade were published by the government. To reach renewable energy and hydrogen targets, investments must total at least 45 billion. Around €60 billion, or 25% of the Portuguese GDP, according to Ministry of Environment and Climate Action financial records (MAAC).

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Frans Timmermans, the executive vice president of the EU, and Kadri Simson, the commissioner for energy, have spoken with Saudi government representatives about expanding their partnership in the creation of clean hydrogen.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

A draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the National Energy Administration of China and the Saudi Ministry of Energy in the area of clean hydrogen energy was authorized by the Shoura Council. This came after the council’s Energy and Industry Committee had presented a report on the subject.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

A landmark piece of legislation containing $369 billion in investment to combat climate change was approved by the White House in August. An important tax credit in that historic law was one for producing hydrogen in environmentally friendly ways.