Entergy Texas, Inc. has commenced the process of seeking clearance to construct the Orange County Advanced Power Station, a 1,215-megawatt…
Browsing: Hydrogen
Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) competed in the five-hour Super Taikyu Race in Autopolis from July 31 to August 1 ,2021,…
Xodus, a global energy consultant, has released a new research asking for a more bold vision to enable the UK…
ENEOS Corporation has signed a memorandum of understanding with Neoen Australia Pty Ltd. (Neoen) to perform a feasibility study on…
In a statement, State Energy Minister Guy Barnett confirmed that the government would contribute an additional $100,000 to the “Advanced Manufacturing Zone,” which was one of the government’s election promises.
According to the public utility network, the preliminary study’s goal is to determine the feasibility of installing a pilot system at the chair of gas and thermal systems at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Researchers at the University of Central Florida have developed, for the first time, a nanoscale material that can efficiently split seawater into oxygen and a clean energy fuel — hydrogen — without releasing any harmful chemicals.
As a result of the news, BNetzA will be in charge of regulating hydrogen infrastructure in Germany as it grows.
In order to maximize revenue from one of the most expensive energy assets on the planet, nuclear developers in Europe, North America, and Russia are looking at clean gas as an outlet for their low-carbon power.
The plant uses electricity created by geothermal energy to decompose water to produce hydrogen.