Green Hydrogen H2 News

Green hydrogen, generated from renewable energy sources, has been heralded as a cure for heat decarbonization and natural gas price volatility. However, the fact is that not every application will be both cost-effective and practicable.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

A £5 million Hydrogen BECCS Innovation Program was started in January 2022 by the UK government. Hydrogen production for hard-to-decarbonize industries and carbon dioxide removal is also part of the plan. Biomass and hydrogen play an important part in achieving the net-zero UK, as this effort shows.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Hydrogen is expected to play a key part in decarbonizing economies by extending its usage in energy and transportation systems across the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, and Japan.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Hydrogen Energy’s Long-Term Prospects
Despite major obstacles to the widespread use of green hydrogen, pricing estimates indicate that these obstacles may be overcome.