Author: Arnes Biogradlija

Green Hydrogen H2 News

In Europe, the first hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles are already being introduced. The vehicle portfolio will dramatically expand beginning in the mid-2020s, with at least 60,000 trucks estimated to be in operation by 2030. However, the infrastructure required to recharge these fuel-cell trucks is nearly non-existent today. Due to their increased power and energy requirements, heavy-duty trucks are unable to utilize current infrastructure designed for automobiles. As explained in the new ACEA position paper on truck infrastructure standards, this issue requires immediate attention. As part of the assessment of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive, policymakers must take measures to…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Woodside Energy, IHI Corporation, and Marubeni Corporation have entered into a Heads of Agreement to research the manufacture and export of green ammonia generated by renewable hydropower in the Australian state of Tasmania. Green ammonia is a zero-emission fuel that can be used to decarbonize coal-fired power generation, among other uses. Initially, green ammonia would be created through hydrogen electrolysis on a limited scale. Woodside is evaluating producing alternatives in northeast Tasmania’s Bell Bay region. The projected plant’s capacity could potentially be increased to 250 MW in order to produce green hydrogen as a feedstock for green ammonia exports. The…

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