The project is the result of a partnership between the two organizations to encourage green hydrogen processing, distribution, and commercialization in the archipelago through the ‘Clster Hub Hidrógeno Renovable Canarias’ initiative.
Browsing: REGIONAL
European Green Deal aims to reduce transportation pollution by 90%.
The launch of the Aurora Class is a significant move forward in the company’s dedication to sustainability. It will be the world’s largest car carrier, with a capacity of 9,100 car equivalent units.
The resolutions proposed by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board were approved by a significant majority of shareholders at RWE AG’s virtual AGM
The project is funded by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment and is called the “FY2017 Low Carbon Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Project in Collaboration with Local Government.”
The hydrogen-for-mobility project, which has already signed Memorandums of Understanding with Ast, Busitalia, and Acciai Speciali Terni
Mr. Bacon has held a variety of leadership roles in the energy and transportation industries, including General Electric, UGL Rail, and Australian Industrial Energy
The skateboard is aimed at anyone who wants to use a hydrogen and electric platform for safe and intelligent transportation.
The MOU discusses key areas where the two organizations will collaborate to advance the use of low-carbon fuels such as natural gas, both fossil and renewable, and hydrogen.
The aim of this agreement is to assess the feasibility of installing a 20 megawatt (MW) electrolyzer for the production of green hydrogen on bp’s land in the El Serrallo industrial estate.