Browsing: green hydrogen

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Enagás Renovables and Naturgy will build a renewable hydrogen production plant with a 280 megawatt electrolyser on the property of the La Robla coal-fired power station in Leon, investing more than 400 million euros and creating more than 50 jobs in its operation and maintenance.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Panasonic launches ultrasonic meter to measure hydrogen flow A new ultrasonic meter from Panasonic can measure hydrogen flow rates and…

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Inerco and the technology companies TSO and VGE have agreed to work together to develop integrated energy solutions for the entire hydrogen chain, including fuel cells, hydrogen filling stations for vehicles, storage units and systems, automobiles, and other equipment.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Walloon government has just approved the implementation of two projects of common European interest (IPCEI) on hydrogen, namely the John Cockerill Hydrogen project and the Columbus project, for which Engie and Carmeuse have combined their powers. A budget of over 88 million euros and the hiring of 250 FTEs are projected.